Tuesday 17 January 2017

Types of Bonds in brick masonry.

                                                            Types of Bonding

Bonding - It is the process arrangement of the bricks with mortar to tie them together. Bonding is neccesary to avoid the continuous vertical joints. There are 14 types of bonds in brick masonry.

(1). Stretcher Bond :- In this type bricks are laid with their length in the direction of wall. This pattern is used only for the walls having thickness 90mm only.

(2). Header Bond :- In this bricks are laid with their Ends towards the face of wall. used for one brick thick walls, also used in curved walls.

(3). English bonds :- In this alternate course of strecher and header are laid.queen closer is placed after the first header in the heading course to avoid vertical joints.

(4). Double flemish bond :- In this bond alternete header and strecher are laid to each course. these bonds are good in appearance. Queen closer is placed next to the quoin header alternate course to avoid vertical joints.

(5). Single flemish bonds :- these bonds have double felmish in facing and english bond in backing in each course. Minimum thickness requred for these bonds is 1 1/2 brick. construction of these bonds requred skilled labour.

(6). Garden wall bonds :- these bonds are used in construction of garden compound walls.
 is placed next to the 3/4 bat in every alternative strecher courses.

(7). Facing bonds :- In this different thickness bricks are used in facing and backing of wall. in this header course is placed after several stretcher courses.

(8). Dutch bonds :- This is the modify form of english bond In strecher bond 3/4 bat is used as quoin. A header

(9). :- Raking Bonds :- In this alternet courses are placed in different directions.the raking courses are laid at certain intervell along the hight of the wall in very thick walls having no. of headers more then the no. of stretchers in between the facing and backing.

(10). Zigzag Bonds :- This is used in the paving the brick floors. bricks are arranged in zigzag.

(11). English cross bonds :- They have more strength then english bond. In this every alternate strecher course has a header placed next to the quoins strecher.

(12). Brick on edge bond or soldier bond :- In this types of bponds bricks are laid on edges these bonds are economical bbur week in strength. bbricks are placed as header and stretcher in alternate courses in such a manner that header are placed on bed and strecher are placed on edges forming continuous cavity.

(13). Bound in column :- column shape may be rectangulaer square circuler, english and flemish bbonds are used in the column.

(14). Bond at junction :- A point where two walls meet each other called junction. there are two junctions Tee junction and Cross junction.


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  2. Curtain well bond is not presrnt

  3. please check plans of header and stretcher bonds! The 1st coarse should always start with a stretcher, and 2 plan shows a half bat which should not be used to avoid vertical joints. Please correct
