Tuesday 17 January 2017

Minimum area required for Rooms, W/C, Bathroom,

                                     Minimum Area For Rooms, W/C,  and Bathroom,

Before designing of any building we should know the minimum area required for the bathroom rooms and water closet, and the combined bathroom and water closet.

(1). Haritable Rooms :- Rooms may be bedroom, living room, or study rooms. The minimum Hight not be less then 2.74 meters. for row houses hight should be minimum 2.6 meters, and for air conditioner rooms 2.4 meters.
Area of single room should not be less then be 9.5 sqr mtr. with minimum width of 2.4 mtr.
In case of two rooms area of one room should be minimum 9.5 sqr mtr and other should be minimum qr 7.5 sqr mtr with minimum width 2.4 mtr.

(2). Water closet :- It does not includes the bathroom. minimum heigth should be 2,2 mtr and 1.1 sqr mtr minimum area.

(3). Bathrooms :- This place used for bathing whose area should not e less then 1.8 sqr mtr or 1.5x1.2 mtrs
and the hight should not be less then 2.2mtrs.

(4). Combined Lat-Bath :- Area should not be less then 2.8 sqr mtr with minimum width 1.2mtrs.

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